Saturday, June 2, 2012

Afraid of nothing.

I must admit, I had a pretty defeating week.  A strange one.  The kind that isn't terribly bad, but certainly odd enough to realize that things are always in flux, changing in subtle ways you sometimes can't even sense.  I'd been walking around in a bit of a fog all morning, quite disconnected until I knew I had to do something specific:

I had to read.

I read all afternoon until the sun faded and I felt at peace enough to step back into my own life again unafraid. Reading in itself inspires me to get back on girlandlovelynotebook, this blog I've been neglecting for months where I can revisit to simply see what happens.
So here I am.

"I want to think again of noble and dangerous things.
 I want to be light and frolicsome.
I want to be improbable and beautiful and afraid of nothing
 as though I had wings."
-Mary Oliver

Here's Train with the beautiful Mississippi. 

Photo source: here


  1. Lovely to hear your words, listen to your music and catch your mood...sometimes sadness can see you through. Or in the words of Train 'Midnight moon shines through it all.

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate this! <3

  2. Good to see your words appear again and to share your thoughts. Hope things settled in their rightful places. Take care.
